LiteralTextType --------------- Literal (static) text to be used in the instrument using the StructuredString structure plus an attribute allowing for the specification of white space to be preserved. Properties ~~~~~~~~~~ .. csv-table:: :header: "Name","Type","","Description" :widths: 15,10,5,100 "Text",":doc:`/composite-types/TextType/index`","0..1","The value of the static text string. Supports the optional use of XHTML formatting tags within the string structure. If the content of a literal text contains more than one language, i.e. ""What is your understanding of the German word 'Gesundheit'?"", the foreign language element should be placed in a separate LiteralText component with the appropriate xml:lang value and, in this case, isTranslatable set to ""false"". If the existence of white space is critical to the understanding of the content (such as inclusion of a leading or trailing white space), set the attribute of Text xml:space to ""preserve""." Properties Inherited from TextContentType ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. csv-table:: :header: "Name","Type","","Description" :widths: 15,10,5,100 "Description",":doc:`/composite-types/StructuredStringType/index`","0..1","A description of the content and purpose of the text segment. Supports multiple language versions of the same content as well as optional formatting of the content." Item Type Hierarchy ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * :doc:`/composite-types/TextContentType/index` * **LiteralTextType** Relationships ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. container:: image |stub| .. |stub| image:: ../../images/LiteralTextType.svg